Yademan Sazan Shahir Company active in the field of buildings and structures, facilities, and equipment has taken a big step towards improving the quality of its services, customer satisfaction, and improving its safety performance by creating process-oriented thought. This company is committed to carrying out all necessary operations under all existing regulations, instructions for health, safety, and environment to provide adequate warranty for all personnel (employees and workers), the general public, as well as the environment around the site of ongoing workshops to reduce occupational hazards. To this end, to establish a health, safety, and environment management system at the company level, it is required and committed to the following principles:

  • Compliance with national (and international) standards
  • Development of health, safety, and environment culture and expansion of organizational values
  • Use qualified personnel, purposeful and practical training for continuous improvement of all processes and activities of the company and promotion of teamwork
  • Improve the spirit and motivation of employees by attracting their participation and improving the quality of work
  • Reduction and prevention of environmental pollution
  • Continuous reduction of accidents, maintaining and improving the health and safety of employees
  • Implement and maintain legal requirements related to health, safety, and environmental aspects at the organization level

To achieve the above-mentioned principles, Yadman Sazan Shahir Company has implemented a health, safety, and environment management system in all sectors and is constantly committed to the continuous improvement and effectiveness of this system. Also with periodic reviews at times when company policy is required it sets health, safety, and environmental goals in line with this policy to measure, monitor, and analyze the extent to which the defined goals are achieved. For this purpose Yadman Sazan Shahir Company considers itself obliged to achieve the following goals:

  • Identify and control hazards to minimize hazards during work during the project.
  • Eliminate all possible sources of disease that may occur in the projects.
  • Ensure that environmental risks from project implementation are minimized.
  • Creating safe working methods for all employees who are involved in all the company’s projects.
  • Promoting a high level of awareness in the fields of health, safety and environmental issues.
  • Provide information and training on health and safety and encourage all employees and workers to participate in meeting the requirements of existing laws to safely complete ongoing contracts.
  • Completion and supply of related equipment in the projects according to the needs assessments.
  • Ensure zero disruption in other occupations and no harm to people as well as the environment around the workshops.

For this purpose, the health, safety, and environment department, in cooperation with the managers of other departments of the company, Yadman Sazan Shahir succeeded in obtaining the ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001:2015 certificates by creating a safe environment by preparing and compiling the necessary documents, which you can see them in the company’s certificates section.

In addition, Yadman sazan shahir company provides quality management services related to its field of activity throughout the country and sometimes abroad. The company has developed its expertise since its establishment and its aim is to achieve a high standard of construction and providing services to its customers. It is the policy of Yadman sazan shahir to provide the customer with goods and services to the agreed requirement in accordance with the details and price. The Directors, management and experts are responsible for quality control through the quality management system seeking improvement by constant review, with suppliers and sub-contractors being encouraged to co-operate. Yadman sazan shahir company is committed to achieving customer satisfaction by the use of quality procedures which will be operated to meet or exceed the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.